Latina leaders unidas and making a difference in our digital world

Last week we were a proud sponsor of the We All Grow Summit, a professional conference for Latinas in the digital space.

We had the opportunity to meet with bloggers, reporters, activists and leaders who are elevating Latino issues and culture.

Zandra Baermann (second from right), UnidosUS Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications, joined a panel at the We All Grow Summit.
Zandra Baermann (second from right), UnidosUS Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications, joined a panel at the We All Grow Summit.

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Our Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications, Zandra Baermann, was part of a panel appropriately named: “¡Estamos Unidas! Using your influence to make a difference.” The panel consisted of leaders from Mamás Con Poder, Now This, and Dreamers Roadmap, and included a Latina author who writes about the mixed messages our society gives young girls as they’re growing up.

The session was packed with Latinas who are curious and eager to be activists and use their platforms to discuss the issues that impact our community.

See more pictures and a video from the event below:

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